Organization Chart



Indentification of The Statistical Center of Iran(SCI)

The Statistical Center of Iran(SCI) has been defined as a government organization affiliated to the Management and Planning Organaization. Moreover the SCI enjoys another legal status as the secretariat of the High in the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) Council of Statistics(the highest reference for policy making in the field of official statistics) for coordinating and leading statistical system of the country. The organization chart of the SCI as the authorize reference for producing, information and dissemination of official statistics in the country in 1390(2011), consisting of 3 deputies was revised and approved, office of the head and Statistical Research and Training Center(independent)for the purpose of performing new functions.

  1. Deputy for Economy and National Accounts

    The deputies major duties: policy making, managing and implementing activities related to designing, planning and coordinating in preparing national accounts, price indices , calculating indicators for macro plans and policies, endevour for establishment of national statistical standards, diverting and monitoring administrative organizations in statistics production and promotion and upgrading of maps and spatial information based on statistical data in areas. Preparation of statistical yearbooks and diverting activities varrous to ensure quality of data produced within statistical surveys. Offices functioning under of the deputy are as introduced follows:

    Office of economic accounts Office of price indices Office of calculation of macro plan and policies indicators Office of standards and statistical surveys supervision Office of maps and spatial information
  2. Deputy for Surveys and Register-based Statistics

    The major duties; policy making, managing and implanting activities related to designing, planning and coordinating in processes of data production as well as, assessment and identification of statistical requirements in involvement completion and promotion of statistical items sets in various areas such as population, manpower, households income and expenditure, agriculture, manufacturing, mining, trade, infrastructural affairs, constructions, communications, health quality ,culture, public and social services, etc. Study on production processes and evaluation of administrative registers in the other organizations, updating statistical frames and designing sample surveys are also among this deputy’s duties. Offices functioning under the deputy are introduced as below:

    Office of Statistical Methodology and Sample Surveys Office of Population and Labor Force Statistics and Censuses Office of Manufacturing, Mining and Infrastructural Statistics Office of Agriculture Statistics Office of Cultural, Trade and Service Statistics
  3. Deputy for Development of Resources, Logistics and Provinces Affairs

    major duties of this deputy includes; study and implementation of the plans for human resources development, supervision over provision, allocation and spending of financial resources, implementing administrative promotion plans, establishing modern management systems, logistics and supply of equipment, and facilities necessary for performing SCI’s specialized duties and activities and adjusting relations and coordinating with statistical offices located in provinces for performing duties assigned by the SCI. General Departments of this deputy are introduced as below:

    General Department for Development of Human Resources and Logistics General Department of Financial Affairs and Auditing
  4. office of the head
    1. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Center

      Major duties of this center comprise; planning and monitoring over implementation of ICT comprehensive system, designing, managing, establishment and specialized support of the country's National Statistical Network, scientific, applied and comparative study for using modern methods and instruments applicable in different steps of sample surveys and censuses, design, establish, operate, optimize, promote and to support as well as acting to security of hardware system , communication network and data bases of SCI and managing customer relationship system and information dissemination of SCI’s services and products through electronic devices. Deputies functioning under this center are introduced as below:

      Deputy for statistical database Deputy for System and Software Services Deputy for Network and Computer Services
    2. Office of Planning, Performance Monitoring and Secretariat of High Council of Statistics

      major duties of this office include; managing definition and fulfillment of strategic elements of SCI through determination and adjustment of short- term, medium-term and long-term plans and objectives, implementing the processes of performance evaluation and assessing for fulfillment of the executive elements to improve SCI’s performance, organizing and coordinating in designing National Statistics Plan, managing for holding meetings and administrative affairs of the High Council of Statistics and adjusting the relationships between the elements within the country's statistical system.

    3. Office of the Head, Public Relations and International cooperation

      major duties of this office are; managing and implementing all activities related to public relations(publicity, reporting and publications),translation of documents and making arrangments for developing international cooperations and doing the daily affairs of the office of the head aiming at attracting trust, and the users support by managing efficient relations.

    4. Statistical Research and Training Center

      This center is a subsidiary of SCI, but with an independent organizational chart and tasked with such duties as study for determining priorities and doing research work in the field of statistics production methods ,statistical analysis, data processing and extraction and statistical information dissemination. Communication with scientific and research institutions at home and abroad, holding specialized statistical courses and scientific and research seminars, publication of books and journals in related fields and presenting the most recent statistical data required by researchers are also among this center’s duties.