Statistical Dissemination Policy

The Statistical Dissemination Policy in the Statistical Centre of Iran (SCI) has been developed in seven principles based on the Center's Law, vision, goals and missions as follows

Equal access to information

In order to provide users with equal access to information, the SCI publishes the release date of the information in advance in the form of a release calendar.The main tool for disseminating statistical information is the web-based dissemination as the fastest, cheapest and easiest way. Users who do not have access to the Internet can access the statistical information provided on the website of the SCI through visiting the Statistical Information Unit.

Professional independence

Political and professional independence will cause the SCI to disseminate the statistical information free from political conflicts and tensions without any interference or pressure from government agencies or other organs or senior management units, the private sector, or any individual or legal person who may have conflict interests with the Center.


In order to maintain public trust in official statistics, Statistical Centre of Iran uses scientific, professional and specialized standards in the selection of resources, methods for collecting, processing and disseminating data. Moreover, in order to make understanding and appropriate use of statistics, the SCI releases the methods and methodologies used in statistical surveys, related metadata, descriptive and supplementary information. In the event of any change or revision in the data and publications, it will be made public as soon as possible and the revised one will be replaced in the same place.

Confidentiality of statistical information

According to the Article 7 of the SCI’s Establishment Law, this Center ensures that statistical information supply does not disclose the information of the statistical unit (person, business, etc.). Also, if users need microdata, access to the requested data will be provided to them after deletion of the identification factors of the statistical units.

Punctuality and Timeliness

Statistical Centre of Iran shall meet the needs of users according to the principles of the data dissemination in a punctual and timely manner within the framework of the release calendar. In the event that new and updated results are not released according to the release calendar, the SCI will report the reasons for the delay and the date of the new release.

Commitment to Information Pricing Policy

Statistical information is valuable. In the SCI, the cost of collecting, processing and disseminating statistical data are funded from the country's budget; therefore, products that are released electronically and on the website of the Center are free of charge, but for processing, preparation and provision of tailor-made information or printed publications, the cost will be received from users based on Government-approved tariffs.

Adherence to information system

The information supply system is the main pillar of the implementation of the information dissemination policy. To ensure the integrity of the information in various channels of information (such as thematic statistics, time series, statistical yearbooks, etc.), a single thematic structure is used, and the outputs and products associated with each subject are put in a thematic group. Therefore, the information supply system makes users get acquainted with statistical output easier.