The Ethics Charter

The Ethics Charter of the Statistical Centre of Iran

We, the staff of the Statistical Centre of Iran, assisted by Allah Almighty and with the hope of achieving the Vision and realizing the Mission and Goals of the Centre, commit ourselves to observing the following criteria and standards

  1. We believe that spirituality, purification of the carnal soul and human training are the main pivots of the mankind development and progress and we know the prosperity and felicity are obtained in Divine Proximity. In this way, we consider retaining the Islamic codes and observing apparent and interior courtliness and discipline as the priority.
  2. We shall put implementing the macro policies and development plans of the country in the field of the statistical system of Iran in our agenda.
  3. We are fully familiar with the Vision, Missions and Plans of the Statistical Centre of Iran and, we set our goals in line with the goals of the Centre for the organizational excellence.
  4. We shall observe the legal obligations and the principle of protecting the confidentiality of individual information in collecting, processing, and disseminating statistical information, and shall prevent any misuse of this information free from any bias/ prejudice and with impartiality.
  5. Observance of laws and regulations, the use of modern methods and technologies, having scientific and professional approaches and the use of international recommendations are among our permanent duties and we shall strongly advocate our statistical activities and proven documented reports.
  6. We have an active interaction with the government agencies and well-informed persons of the statistical system of Iran, and we shall consider mutual respect and trust as the basis for our performance.
  7. We consider courage, integrity, explicitness, sincerity, transparency, accountability, criticism and freethinking as prerequisites for accepting responsibility and serving at the Centre.
  8. We create an opportunity from every challenge and also make every opportunity a merit with positive thinking and hyper performance.
  9. We consider the administrative hierarchy, meritocracy, mutual respect and trust, team working and administrative discipline as the main factors for cohesion, synergy, empathy, and coherence.
  10. We know increasing capabilities, individual development, sharing knowledge and experience, continuous improvement, and excellence of organizational culture as our pivotal tasks.
  11. We believe that integrity, accuracy and speed in providing services, as well as honesty and respect ensure the satisfaction and trust of the people.
  12. In the face of adversities and hardships, we shall employ high-mindedness and open-mindedness, and we treat with liberality, self-sacrifice, forgiveness and devotion in this situation.
  13. Public property is considered only as an instrument for the realization of organizational goals, and while avoiding prodigality and waste of resources, we only use them to provide optimal services to the people.

Pivotal Values

The centre's professional credit

The statistical awareness promotion

Independence and impartiality in production of statistics

Law- abiding

Trust worthiness and confidentiality in personal information

Human resources esteem and meritocracy


Group thought and work

Public confidence and users satisfaction

Scientism, creativity , and innovation