Published Date: Monday 08 June 2020

Dollar Value Changes of the Country’s Foreign Trade (Merchandise)

Dollar Value Changes of the Country’s Foreign Trade (Merchandise)
in Various Economic Sectors (Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry, Fisheries, Mining and Manufacturing), Excluding Oil and Gas (Natural Gas and Condensates) and Suitcase Trading, Based on the Statistics Released by the Iran Customs Administration in the spring of the Year 1396


Foreign trade comprises exports and imports of goods and services. The major part of the statistics on merchandise is disseminated by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration. The statistics on other goods trade which is mainly about the trade of crude oil and its products, gas and electricity and some parts and machinery of airplane and ship are provided by their respective organizations (National Oil Company, Ministry of Energy, National Gas Company and airlines and shipping companies).

The report is produced on the basis of merchandise statistics disseminated by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (excluding gas condensates, "code 2709"), according to the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Rev.3 (ISIC. Rev.3) and Central Product Classification (CPC).

It is noteworthy that the classification of the economic activities in this report, do not reflect the activities of exporters or importers, yet on the part of import, it represents the foreign producers activities, and for the export, it describes the domestic producers activities.

Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry sector

The Dollar value of the exported products in this sector in the spring of the year 1396 decreased by 28.56 percent compared to the corresponding season in the previous year. Also its percentage change is -26.09 compared to the previous season (winter of the year 1395).

The Dollar value of the imported products from this sector in the spring of the year 1396 experienced a rise of 21.29 percent compared to the corresponding season in the previous year. Also its percentage change is +21.21 compared to the previous season (winter of the year 1395).

Fisheries sector

The Dollar value of the exported products in this sector in the spring of the year 1396 rose by 80.16 percent compared to the corresponding season of the previous year. Also its percentage change is -36.23 compared to the previous season (winter of the year 1395). 

The Dollar value of the imported products from this sector in the spring of the year 1396 dropped by 22.17 percent compared to the corresponding season of the previous year. Also its percentage change is +10.48 percent compared to the previous season (winter of the year 1395).

Mining sector

The Dollar value of the exported products in this sector in the spring of the year 1396 went up by 50.25 percent in contrast to the corresponding season of the previous year. Also its percentage change is -1.15 percent compared to the previous season (winter of the year 1395).

The Dollar value of the imported products in this sector in the spring of the year 1396 increased by 74.36 percent in contrast to the corresponding season of the previous year. Also its percentage change is +10.88 percent compared to the previous season (winter of the year 1395).

Manufacturing sector

The Dollar value of the exported products in this sector in the spring of the year 1396 had a decline by 5.17 percent in contrast to the corresponding season of the previous year. Also its percentage change is -10.56 percent compared to the previous season (winter of the year 1395). 

The Dollar value of the imported products in this sector in the spring of the year 1396 rose by 27.29 percent in contrast to the corresponding season of the previous year. Also its percentage change is -5.36 percent in contrast to the previous season (winter of the year 1395).


Major economic

sectors (import/export)

Export, spring of the year 1396

Import, spring of the year 1396

Growth compared

to the


season of the

previous year


compared to the

previous season

Growth compared

to the


season of the

previous year


compared to the

previous season

Agriculture, hunting

and forestry




















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