Published Date: Monday 02 March 2020

National Consumer Price Index by Expenditure Deciles: in the Month of Bahman of the year 1398

National Consumer Price Index by Expenditure Deciles: in the Month of Bahman[1] of the year 1398[2]


The national inflation rate for the month of Bahman of the year 1398 stood at 37.0 percent, fluctuating between 36.3 percent for the first decile (those with the lowest income) and 38.9 percent for the tenth decile (those with the highest income) among the expenditure deciles. The range of the twelve-month inflation changes in the major group of "food, beverages and tobacco" was between 44.4 percent for the first decile and 50.1 percent for the tenth decile. The major group of "non-food items and services” also saw these fluctuations ranging from 29.2 percent for the first decile to 36.2 percent for the tenth decile[3].


Please see the attachment for more information.


[1] . Iranian months and their equivalent in Gregorian calendar


Farvardin (21 March-20April)                                                                            Mehr (23 September-22 October)


Ordibehesht (21 April-21 May)                                                                        Aban (23 October-21 November)


Khordad (22 May-21 June)                                                                              Azar (22 November-21 December)


Tir (22 June-22 July)                                                                                        Dey (22 December-20 January)


Mordad  (23 July-22 August)                                                                          Bahman (21 January-19 February)


Shahrivar (23 August-22 September)                                                             Esfand (20 February-20 March)

[2]- It is the Iranian year which usually begins on the day of 21 March of the Gregorian calendar. To find the corresponding year of the Gregorian calendar, add 621 or 622 (depending on the time of the year) to a solar Hijri year. For example the corresponding year of the year 1398 in the Gregorian calendar is (21 March 2019 -19 March 2020).

[3] - Figures are rounded up to a decimal point.

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