Published Date: Wednesday 26 December 2018

Consumer Price Index in the Month of Azar of the Year 1397


Consumer Price Index in the Month of Azar of the Year 1397[1]

 Increase in the Nation’s Households Inflation Rate

The general index (base year 1395=100) stood at 151.7 in the month of Azar [2] of the year 1397 indicating a 2.6 percent rise compared to the previous month. In this month, the general index percentage change is 37.4 percent compared to the corresponding month of the previous year, that is to say that if the “same range of goods and services” was purchased by the nation's households, on average, 37.4 percent higher than the month of Azar in the year 1396 would be spent. These goods and services increased by 2.5 percentage points over the previous month (34.9 percent). The twelve-month inflation rate ending to the month of Azar of the year 1397 reached 18.0 percent which increased by 2.4 percentage point over the same information in the previous month (15.6 percent).

The CPI for the major group of "food, beverages and tobacco" and for the major group of "non-food items and services" increased by 4.8 and 1.6 percent, respectively compared to the previous month. The percentage change of prices in the month of Azar of the year 1397 for these two groups are 53.9 and 30.9 percent compared to the month of Azar in the year 1396, respectively.

Increase in the Nation's Urban Households Inflation Rate

The general price index for the country's urban households in the month of Azar of the year 1397 stood at 151 showing a 2.5 percent increase compared to the previous month. Percentage change of the general index is 36.9 percent compared to the corresponding month in the previous year, which rose by 2.4 percentage points over to the previous month (34.5 percent).

Increase in the Nation's Rural Households Inflation Rate          

The general price index for the country's rural households in the month of Azar of the year 1397 stood at 155.3 showing a 3 percent increase compared to the previous month. Percentage change of the general index is 39.9 percent compared to the corresponding month in the previous year, which rose by 2.6 percentage points over to the previous month (37.3 percent).  

Prices Changes in the Current Month

In the current month, all sub-classes of the general index experienced price rises. In the major group of "food, beverages and tobacco", the highest increase of prices belongs to “meat” (fishes, mutton, beef, and chicken) group, “vegetables” (eggplant, bell pepper, Zucchini, onion and tomato) group, “milk, cheese and eggs” ( pasteurized milk, pasteurized cream), group, fruit and dried fruits” (raisin, date, pistachio, apple, grape, and water melon) group, “food products not classified elsewhere”(tomato sauce, vinegar, and dried lime) group, and “beverages (coffee)” group. In the major group of "non-food items and services", the highest increase of prices goes to “furnishings, household appliances and routine household maintenance” group, “ detergents” group, “ cloth and footwear” group  and “transportation”(spare parts and different types of automobiles) group compared to the previous month.

In the major group of "food, beverages and tobacco", the group “tobacco” experienced a fall in comparison with the previous month and in the major group of "non-food items and services", the cell phones, computer accessories, and 18-karat gold experienced a fall in comparison with the previous month.

Price Index Percentage Change in the Total Country Expenditure Deciles in the Current Month

The range of twelve -month inflation rate ending to the month of Azar of the year 1397 for various deciles is fluctuating between 17.1 percent for the first decile (those with the lowest income ) to 19.5 percent for the tenth decile ( those with the highest decile).


For more information, please see the attachment.


[1]It is the Iranian year which usually begins on the day of 21 March of the Gregorian calendar. To find the corresponding year of the Gregorian calendar, add 621 or 622 (depending on the time of the year) to a solar Hijri year.  For example the corresponding year of the year 1397 in the Gregorian calendar is (21 March 2018-20 March 2019).

2 Iranian months and their equivalent in Gregorian calendar

Farvardin (21 March-20April)                                                              Mehr (23 September-22 October)

Ordibehesht (21 April-21 May)                                                           Aban (23 October-21 November)  

Khordad (22 May-21 June)                                                                 Azar (22 November-21 December)

Tir (22 June-22 July)                                                                           Dey (22 December-20 January)

Mordad  (23 July-22 August)                                                             Bahman (21 January-19 February)

Shahrivar (23 August-22 September)                                                Esfand (20 February-20 March)                                                 







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