Published Date: Sunday 18 November 2018

Workshop on Modernization of the National Statistical System of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI)

Workshop on

Modernization of the National Statistical System

of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI)

12 – 14 November 2018


 PARIS 21 in collaboration with the Statistical Centre of Iran (SCI)


The Workshop on Modernization of the National Statistical System of the Islamic Republic of Iran was held in the Statistical Centre of Iran during 12 – 14 November 2018 in collaboration with PARIS 21 and the SCI. The workshop was attended by representatives from the Statistical Centre of Iran, the Statistical Research and Training Centre and some selected line ministries and government agencies. In this Workshop, the participants were provided with issues such as understanding the Iran Statistical System landscape and institutional environment supporting modernization, modernization models and standards: HLG-MOS Lens, Quality Assurance and Management.

At the beginning of the Workshop, Mr. Omid Ali Parsa, Head of the Statistical Centre of Iran delivered his opening Statement. In his Statement, Mr Parsa, while expressing his appreciation to PARIS21 for organizing this event, mentioned that the important aspect of the development planning process is the need for high quality and timely statistical data. Reliable statistics are a crucial prerequisite for evidence-based planning and policy formulation at both national and local levels. He also referred to the use of electronic devices in the SCI’s programmes as an innovative development for data collection in the statistical system since 2006 such as conducting National Agriculture Census by Tablet Device in 2014, and the National Population and Housing Census electronically across the country in two phases in 2016: In the first phase, the Internet was used for completing e-census questionnaire by households across the country with a 48.2 percent participation rate.  The second phase was the face to face interview by the use of Tablet Device after the first phase. With respect to the experiences obtained in this area, he expressed hope that the SCI could share these experiences with interested countries. He has added that over recent years, statistical registers development as well as establishing National Statistics Network have been considered as the main priorities of the SCI. In this line, primary studies have been conducted and hardware and software facilities for designing and developing National Statistics Network have been provided and in order to feed this Network, a project titled IRANSTARS has been defined. In this Project, the administrative data of government agencies are to be organized in four areas: Population, Activity, Business and Property. By linking the data system of government agencies, the administrative data turn into official statistics and will be made available to the planners, researchers and other users.

 In this Workshop, Dr. Margarita Guerrero, Paris 21/ International Consultant, Ms. Sabrina Sabri, Statistician form Department of Statistics, Malaysia and Dr. Ashkan Shabbak from Statistical Research and Training Centre acted as the Workshop instructors.

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