Published Date: Sunday 02 September 2018

Total Country Consumer Price Index by the Expenditure Deciles: in the month of Mordad of the year 1397

Total country inflation rate for the month of Mordad [1]of the year 1397 is 9.7 percent, which is fluctuating between 9.2 percent for the first decile (those with the lowest income) to 10.0 percent for the ninth decile, among the expenditure deciles. The range of the twelve-month inflation in the major group of "food, beverages and tobacco" is between 10.5 percent in the first decile to 12.5 percent in the tenth decile (those with the highest income). Also the same information for the major group of "non-food items and services" is between 8.2 percent for the first decile and 9.5 percent for the tenth decile.

More details in the attached file.


[1]. Iranian months and their equivalent in Gregorian calender

Farvardin (21 March-20April)                                                              Mehr (23 September-22 October)

Ordibehesht (21 April-21 May)                                                           Aban (23 October-21 November)  

Khordad (22 May-21 June)                                                                 Azar (22 November-21 December)

Tir (22 June-22 July)                                                                           Dey (22 December-20 January)

Mordad  (23 July-22 August)                                                             Bahman (21 January-19 February)

Shahrivar (23 August-22 September)                                                Esfand (20 February-20 March)                                                 


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