Published Date: Sunday 27 May 2012

A Meeting between the Statistical Centre of Iran (SCI) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

In order to review the GDDS (General Data Dissemination System) and SDDS (Special Data Dissemination System) indices, a joint meeting was held on 28 April 2012  in the building No.1 of the Statistical Centre of Iran(SCI).
The Meeting was attended by Mr. Ghaemi, Deputy Head for Statistical Surveys and Administrative Registers of the SCI, and Dr. Ulhas Gunjal, IMF visiting delegate and also the representatives of the Central Bank of the I.R. of Iran. Ms. Banihashemi, Director General of the Office of Population, Labor Force Statistics and Censuses, Ms. Dibaei, Director General of Office of Economic Accounts, Ms. Jafari, Expert of the Deputy for Statistical Surveys and Administrative Registers, Mr. Rezaei, Director General, Office of Manufacturing, Mining and Infrastructural Statistics and Mr. Hosseinzedeh, Director General, Office of Price Indices were among the participants of the meeting.
Mr. Ghaemi initiated the discussions of the meeting by referring to some of the major activities of the SCI as well as selection of " Quality and Speed based on IT" as  the organizational motto and  policy  of the SCI in 2012.
He also emphasized the commitment of the SCI to observe all pertinent international recommendations and standards in carrying out its censuses and statistical surveys in Iran. Mr. Ghaemi also added that the SCI has cooperation with all relevant sections of the United Nations Statistical Division (UNSD), and the SCI's experts participate in related meetings.
Mr. Ghaemi also referred to the establishment of the National Statistical Network in Iran and provision of Unique ID and mentioned that the relevant operation is currently under implementation as a pilot project in Qom Province.

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