Published Date: Sunday 06 May 2018

Consumer Price Index in the Month of Farvardin of the Year 1397

Consumer Price Index in the Month of Farvardin of the Year 1397[1]

 Reduction of Country's Households Inflation

The general index (base year 1395=100) reached 112.9 in the month of Farvardin (21 March-20 April 2018) of the year 1397 which shows a 1.3 percent increase compared to the previous month. In this month,  nation's household, on average, spent 7 percent more than the month of Farvardin of the year 1396 for purchasing the same set of goods and services, which reduced by 0.2 percent over the same information in the previous month (7.2 percent). Inflation rate in the month of Farvardin of the year 1397 reached 8.1 percent which dropped by 0.1 percent over the same information in the previous month (8.2 percent).

The CPI increased for the major group of "Foods, beverages and tobacco” by 2.3 percent and for the major group of "non-foods and services" by 0.9 percent compared to the previous month. The twelve -month inflation rate in the month of Farvardin of the year 1397 for these two groups is 11.2 and 6.9 percent respectively.

Country's Urban Households

The general price index for the country's urban households in the month of Farvardin of the year 1397 reached 112.9, which shows a 1.3 percent increase compared to the previous month. Percentage change in the general index is 7.3 percent compared to the corresponding month of the previous year and the twelve- month inflation rate ending to the current month for these households is 8.0 percent.

 Country's Rural Households

The general Price Index for the country's rural households in the month of Farvardin of the year 1397 reached 112.9, which shows a 1.3 percent increase compared to the previous month. Percentage change in the general index is 5.4 percent compared to the corresponding month of the previous year, and the twelve month inflation rate ending to the current month for these households is 8.3 percent.

   Price Changes in the Current Month

In the major group of "Foods, Beverages and Tobacco", the highest increase of prices compared to the previous month belongs to tomato, factory-farmed chicken and varieties of imported rice. In the major group of "non-foods and services", the highest increase of prices compared to the previous month goes to 18- karat gold and computer accessories.

In the major group of "Foods, Beverages and Tobacco", the highest reduction in prices compared to the previous month is for the factory –farmed egg and onions. In the major group of "non-foods and services", there was not sensible price decrease.

Total Country’s Expenditure Deciles

The twelve -month inflation rate ending to the month of Farvardin of the year 1397 for various deciles has decreased in a descending trend from 8.5 percent for the first decile to 7.7 percent for the tenth decile.

The graphs of index percentage change compared to the previous month for various expenditure deciles in the general index and the major groups of "Foods, Beverages and Tobacco" and "non-foods and services" are included in the attached file.



1.It is the Iranian year which usually begins on the day of 21 March of the Gregorian calendar. To find the corresponding year of the Gregorian calendar, add 621 or 622 (depending on the time of the year) to a solar Hijri year.  For example the corresponding year of the year 1396 in the Gregorian calendar is (21 March 2018-20 March 2019).


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