Published Date: Saturday 14 October 2017

A Report on Average price of selected food items in the month of Mordad (23 July-22 August) in urban areas of the year 1396

Bread and cereal group

The average price of one Kilogram of the premium Hashemi rice variety in the month of Mordad in the current year (1396)* was 132799 rials increased by 0.8 percent compared to the month of Tir (131713 rials). Also the average price of one Kilogram of the premium imported rice decreased from 56548 rials in the month of Tir to 56193 Rials in the month of Mordad.

Red and White Meat group and their products:

The average price of one Kilogram of sheep meat in this month has reached 395269 rials, which increased by 2.8 percent compared to the previous month (384567 rials). The growth rate for one Kilogram of cattle and calves meat
(month of Mordad, 367122 rials and month of Tir 359654 rials) was 2.1 percent. In this group, the average price of one Kilogram of factory-farmed chicken increased by 6.9 percent (month of Mordad, 80877 rials and month of Tir, 75655 rials).  

Milk, Cheese and Egg group:

The average price of one liter of pasteurized milk, one Kilogram of pasteurized yogurt and a 500g pasteurized Iranian cheese package was 26916, 37069 and 57591 rials, respectively, which did not have a noticeable change compared to the previous month. Also the average price of one Kilogram of factory-farmed egg in the month of Mordad is 65093 rials which rose by 22.6 percent compared to the previous month (53108). 

Oil and fats group

The average price of a 100 g pasteurized butter package (animal butter) is 29280 rials, which had a 1.48 percent raise compared to the month of Tir. In this group, the average price of a 900g liquid oil package is 53328 rials, which did not have a noticeable change compared to the previous month.

Fruits and Nuts group

The average price of one Kilogram of banana in the month of Mordad was 42404 rials, which reduced by 6.3 percent compared to the preceding month (45258 rials). Average price of one Kilogram of Golden Delicious (apple) in the month of Mordad was 42117 rials, which shows a 19.5 percent drop compared to the preceding month (52343 rials). The average price of one Kilogram of domestic orange in the month of Mordad was 51652 rials which experienced a reduction compared to the previous month (55118 rials).

Vegetables group

The average price of one Kilogram of cucumber, tomato and potato was19526, 19159 and 18374 rials, respectively, which did not have a noticeable change compared to the previous month.

Sugar, confectionary and tea group

The average price of one Kilogram of lump sugar in the month of Mordad is 40321 rials, which experienced a 0.9 percent decrease compared to the preceding month (40679 rials). The average price of a 500 g imported tea package in the month of Mordad was 203954 rials, which increased by 0.8 percent compared to the preceding month (202266 rials).

Food groups n.e.c

The average price of one Kilogram of tomato paste in the month of Mordad is 51233 rials, which did not have a noticeable change compared to the previous month compared to the previous month (51214 rials).

 For more information see the attached file.




A Report on average price of selected food items in the month of Mordad (23 July-22 August) in urban areas of the total country in the year 1396*


* It is the Iranian year which usually begins on the day of March 21st of the Gregorian calendar. To find the corresponding year of the Gregorian calendar, add 621 or 622 (depending on the time of the year) to a solar Hijri year.  For example the corresponding year for the year 1396 in the Gregorian calendar is (21 March 2017-20 March 2018).

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