Published Date: Monday 25 September 2017

The First quarter Economic growth of the year 1396 compared to the corresponding period in the previous year: 7 percent excluding Oil, 6.5 percent including Oil

Gross Domestic Product at constant 1390 [*] prices in the first quarter of the year 1396 [*] reached 1836427 billion rials including oil, and 1456693 billion rials excluding oil. The mentioned amount for the corresponding period in the previous year including oil was 1723857 billion rials, and while it was 1361005 billion rials excluding oil, showing a 6.5 percent growth of gross domestic product including oil, and a 7 percent growth of gross domestic product excluding oil, in the spring of the year 1396. 

The cited results indicate that in the first quarter of the current Iranian year, the industries of the agricultural group, manufacturing group (including crude oil and natural gas extraction, other mines, manufacturing, energy and construction) and services group rose by 3.1, 4.9 and 8.3 percent, respectively compared to the corresponding season in the preceding year. Quarterly accounts are compiled within 15 major groups, comprising 42 industries in the Statistical Centre of Iran. Accordingly, agricultural group covers subgroups such as farming(temporary crops) and horticulture, animal husbandry, forestry and fishing; the manufacturing group contains subgroups such  crude oil and natural gas extraction, other mines quarrying, manufacturing, water, electricity and natural gas supply and construction; and the services group includes subgroups such as wholesale and retail, hotel and restaurant, transportation and communications, financial intermediation, real estate, public administration, education, health and social work and other services. 
For more information, please see attached file.

[*] . It is the Iranian year which usually begins on the day of March 21st of the Gregorian calendar. To find the corresponding year of the Gregorian calendar, add 621 or 622 (depending on the time of the year) to a solar Hijri year.  For example the corresponding year for the year 1396 in the Gregorian calendar is (21 March 2017-20 March 2018).

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