Published Date: Sunday 03 September 2017

A Report on Producer Price Index for Modern Poultry Farms Products In the Spring 1396 (1390=100)

The Producer Price Index for Modern Poultry Farms Products in the Spring 1396* reached 250.63 which decreased by 3.77 percent in comparison with the previous season (quarterly inflation) and rose by 19.94 percent in comparison with the corresponding season in the previous year (point-to-point inflation).  The group chicken and group egg dropped by 0.41 and 12.71 percent, respectively causing this index to experience a 3.77 percent fall in comparison with the previous season. Moreover, these groups with 17.44 and 31 percent increase, respectively caused this index to have a 19.94 percent rise in comparison with the corresponding season in the previous year. The changes in this index for the four seasons ending to the Spring of the year 1396 shows a 16.50 percent rise (annual inflation).

Provincial Index

The review of this Producer Price Index for Modern Poultry Farms Products in the Spring of the year 1396  shows that  this index in all provinces excluding Kermanshah province increased in comparison with the corresponding season in the previous year. The highest amount of the rise for this index went to Mazandaran province with 40.23 percent while Kermanshah province experienced a 1.85 percent fall in this index. Moreover, Kerman and Alborz provinces with a 13.54 percent rise and a 17.41 percent fall had the highest increase and decrease of prices in comparison with the previous season, respectively.

The Major Groups Index


The index for chicken group in the Spring 1396 reached 281.21 which decreased by 0.41 percent in comparison with the previous season and rose by 17.44 percent in comparison with the corresponding season in the previous year. All of the items in this group including pullet, broiler and one- day-old chickens increased by 18.32, 11.05, and 46.94 percent in comparison with the corresponding season in the previous year, respectively. Moreover, the pullet and broiler chicken experienced a fall of 1.09 and 1.76 percent in comparison with the previous season. Other item in the group, namely, one-day-old chicken, increased by 4.69 percent in comparison with the previous season.


The index for egg reached 179.32 in the Spring of the year 1396 which decreased by 12.71 percent in comparison with the previous season and increased by 31 percent in comparison with the corresponding season in the previous year.  In this group, the fertile egg and edible egg experienced 4.47 and 20.59 percent fall in comparison with the previous season, respectively. These items increased to 34.82 and 26.86 percent in comparison with the corresponding season in the previous year, respectively. 


This group includes manure which experienced 0.21 and 0.52 percent rise in comparison with the previous season and the corresponding season in the previous year, respectively.

 A Report on Producer Price Index for Modern Poultry Farms Products In the Spring 1396

It is the Iranian year which usually begins within a day of 21 March of the Gregorian calendar. To find the corresponding year of the Gregorian calendar, add 621 or 622 (depending on the time of the year) to a solar Hijri year.  For example the corresponding year of the year 1396 in the Gregorian calendar is (21 March 2017-20 March 2018).

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