Published Date: Saturday 02 September 2017

Mean and median age of the Iranian Population based on the results of the population and Housing Census, the year 1395

The mean age of the Iranian population in the year 1395* was 31.1 years, which is 1.3 years higher than the mean age of the population in the year 1390. In the year 1395, the mean age for men was 30.9 and for women, 31.3 years. The mean age of the Iranian population in the year 1395 was 30 years, which is 3 years higher compared to the mean age in the year 1395.

One of the important indicators in reviewing the age structure of the population is mean and median age of the population. Studying the mean and median age of the population provides a clearer picture of the population youthfulness.

A – Mean age

The mean age is the average age of all the members of a population; dividing the set of every single age multiplied by the frequency of the individuals at the same age by the total number of population.

The mean age of the Iranian population in the year 1395 was 31.1 years, which is 1.3 years higher than the mean in the year 1390. In the year 1390, the mean age was 30.9 years for men and 31.3 years for women.

This mean for both sexes in urban areas is much higher than in rural areas. The mean age for males and females was 31.3 and 31.6 years in urban areas and 29.7 and 30.5 years in rural areas.

It is noteworthy that the mean age of women is slightly higher than the mean age of men. This is due to the higher life expectancy of women compared to the men. In the coming years, with an increase in the gap between women and men's life expectancy and feminization of aging in Iranian population, the mean age of women is expected to exceed more than that of the men.

B- Median age

Median age is the age that divides a population into two numerically equal groups - that is, half the people are younger than this age and half are older than this age in comparison to the results of previous censuses. The results of the Census in the year 1395 show that the youthfulness of the Iranian population is declining. The median age of Iran's population in the year 1395 is 30 years which is 3 years higher than the median in the year 1390. Median ages in rural areas are 2 years less than the urban areas. In both urban and rural areas, the median ages of both sexes are equal.

In view of  demographic studies,  a  population  with  a 20  year median  age  is considered as  a young population ,  accordingly a middle-aged population is a  population  with  median  age of  20-30, and a population with  median  age of  30 or over is considered as the elderly  population . According to this definition, urban areas in Iran have old population and the population in rural areas is a middle-aged one.

For more information, please see the attachment.

Mean and Median Age of Iranian Population Based on the results of the 2016 census

It is the Iranian year which usually begins within a day of 21 March of the Gregorian calendar. To find the corresponding year of the Gregorian calendar, add 621 or 622 (depending on the time of the year) to a solar Hijri year. For example the corresponding year of the year 1395 in the Gregorian calendar is (21 March 2016-20 March 2017).

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