Published Date: Monday 21 August 2017

Dissemination of the Economic Annual Growth Rate, 1395 (base year 1390)

According to the report on the Quarterly National Account (base year= 1390) disseminated by the Statistical Centre of Iran, gross domestic product growth rate (at market price) for the year 1395 was 11.1 percent.

The results indicate that the industries of the agricultural group grew by 2 percent, the manufacturing group (mining, manufacturing, energy and construction) by 18.1 percent and the services group by 5.8 percent respectively. More information is available in the attached file. 

The Economic Annual Growth Rate, 13951 (base year 1390)

According to the outcomes of Statistical Center of Iran seasonal National Account, base year 1390, the gross domestic product growth rate (market price), in the year 1395 has been 11.1 percent.

The outcomes indicates that the Agricultural group activities by 2 percent, the Manufacturing group (Mining, Manufacturing, Energy and Construction) by 18.1 percent and the Services group activities, have grown up by 5.8 percent respectively.




1395 Annual Growth Rate

( Percent, base year 1390)







Gross Domestic Product

(market price)


Gross Domestic Product excluding oil (market price)




[1] It is the Iranian year which usually begins within a day of 21 March of the Gregorian calendar. To find the corresponding year of the Gregorian calendar, add 621 or 622 (depending on the time of the year) to a solar hijri year.  For example the corresponding year of the year 1395 in the Gregorian calendar is (21 March 2016-20 March 2017).  

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