Published Date: Tuesday 08 August 2017

Areas of One Fifth of Residential Units throughout the Country Range from 51 to 75 Square Meters

Results of the 2016 Population and Housing Census in housing sector show that there have been 22 million 830 thousand 3 conventional residential units throughout the country out of which 8 million 975 thousand 153 units (39.9 percent) are apartment units and 13 million 854 thousand 850 units (60.7 percent) are non-apartment units.

Also, out of total 22 million 830 thousand 3 conventional residential units throughout the country, area of 4 million 950 thousand 711 (21.7 percent) residential units ranges from 51 to 75 square meters that is equal to one fifth of residential units throughout the country. Residential units with the area of 500 square meters and over and the number of 32896 (0.1 percent).have the least share

Distribution of conventional residential units by type of skeleton reveals that 30.9 percent of residential units have metal skeleton, 26.4 percent with concrete and 42.5 percent (other materials). The highest share of the materials used in the residential units whose skeleton are not metal or concrete, are for brick and steel or stone and steel (25.6 percent or 5850879 residential units).

For more information, users can visit the Census Section.

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