Published Date: Monday 31 July 2017

The Report of Country's Consumer Price Indices for Goods and Services of Rural households in the Month of Tir of the Year 1396

 1- The general index (base year 1390=100) in the month of Tir of the year 13961 shows 263.1 which has increased 1.3 percent in contrast to the preceding month. The general index rose 9.7 percent compared to the corresponding month in the previous year (point-to-point inflation), and dropped 0.8 percentage points over the same information in the previous month (10.5 percent). Percentage change in the general index for the 12 months ending to the month of Tir of the year 1396 (rural inflation) was 8.8 percent in contrast to the corresponding period of the previous year, which grew 0.3 percentage point over the 12-month inflation ending to the month of Khordad of the year 1396 (8.5 percent).

2- The CPI for the major group of "Foods, Beverages and Tobaccos" in this month reached 297.1, which increased 1.8 percent compared to the previous month. The index of the major group of " Foods, Beverages and Tobacco " increased 13.7 percent in contrast to the corresponding month in the previous year, and percentage change in this group for the 12 months ending to the month of Tir of the year 1396 was 10.9 percent compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, which rose 0.6 percent point in contrast to the inflation of the 12 months ending to the previous month (Khordad) (10.3 percent).  The index of the major group of “Foods” in the mentioned month reached 294, which increased 1.8 percent compared to the previous month. The index of the major group of foods increased 14 percent, as compared to the corresponding month of the previous year and the 12-month inflation rate of this group was 11 percent.

3- The index of major group of "non-foods and services" in the month of Tir of the year 1396 reached 240.2, which increased 0.9 percent compared to the previous month. The index of the major group of "non-foods and services" rose 6.6 percent compared to the corresponding month of the previous year, and the inflation rate of this group for the 12 months ending to the month of Tir of the year 1396 was 7.1 percent over the corresponding period of the previous year and had no change in contrast to the inflation rate of the 12 months ending to the month of Khordad of the year 1396 (7.1 percent).     


[1] . It is the Iranian year which usually begins within the day of 21 March of the Gregorian calendar. To find the corresponding year of the Gregorian calendar, add 621 or 622 (depending on the time of the year) to a solar Hijri year.  For example the corresponding year of the year 1395 in the Gregorian calendar is (21 March 2017-20 March 2018).

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