Published Date: Wednesday 19 July 2017

About 26 percent of Iranian population lives in villages

Based on the results of the 2016 National Population and Housing Census in Iran, 74 percent of population of Iran lives in urban areas and less than 26 Percent lives in rural areas.

Disseminated results of the 2016 National Population and Housing Census in Iran show that out of  79926270 population , only 2730625(25.9 percent) Is / are residing in the villages . This rural population is distributed in 62284 villages across the country.

From among inhabited villages, 19964 villages (32.1% ) had less than 50 inhabitants, 8463 villages had  50-99 inhabitants, 22956 village (36.9%) had 100 - 499 inhabitants, 6099 villages (9.8%) had  500-999 inhabitants, 3757 villages (6%) had 1000- 2499 inhabitants, 857 villages (1.4 %)had  2500-4999 inhabitant and 188 villages (0.3 percent) had 5000 and more inhabitants.

In terms of number of households, amongst the inhabited villages, 22819 villages (36.6%) had less than 20 households, 5950 villages (9.6 %) had 20-30 households, 12971 villages (20.8%) had 31 to 70 households, 4967 villages (8%) had 71-100 households and 15577 villages (25%) had 101 and more households.

For more information, you can see the results of the 2016 National Population and Housing Census in the Census Section of the portal.

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