Published Date: Wednesday 14 June 2017

Dissemination of Quarterly Time Series

Quarterly time series has been published by the Statistical Centre of Iran. The time series are important sources for researchers and economic analysts as well as for the mass media in view of comparability of economic indices in various years. The published time series consist of 8 tables which cover the following topics:  

  1. Gross domestic product and value added of national economic activities at current prices.

  2. Contribution of value added of economic activities to gross domestic product at current prices.

  3. Gross domestic product and value added of national economic activities at constant prices (base year(1): 1376)

  4. Gross domestic product growth and value added of national economic activities at constant prices (base year: 1376)

  5. Gross domestic product by final expenditure components at current prices

  6. Contribution of final expenditure components to gross domestic product at current prices

  7. Gross domestic product by  final expenditure  components at constant prices (base year: 1376)

  8. Gross domestic product growth and  final expenditure  components at constant prices (base year: 1376) from the year 1385 to the year1395  



1- It is the Iranian year which usually begins within a day of 21 March of the Gregorian calendar. To find the corresponding year of the Gregorian calendar, add 621 or 622 (depending on the time of the year) to a solar hijri year.  for example the corresponding year of the year 1395 in  the Gregorian calendar is (21 March 2016-20 March 2017).

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