Published Date: Wednesday 31 May 2017

Iran’s oil and non-oil gross domestic product (GDP) grows by 8.3 and 6.3 percent, respectively during the year 1395 (21 March 2016-20 March 2017)

The oil and non-oil GDP ( at constant 1376 prices)  reached Rls.673094 billion and Rls. 641375 billion , respectively while these figures in the year 1394 (21 March 2015- 20 March 2016) were Rls. 621237 billion( including oil)  and Rls   603494 billion (excluding oil), respectively; it shows that oil GDP rose 8.3 % and non-oil GDP grew 6.3%

The mentioned results indicate that, agriculture sector grew by 5% , the “industry group”, including mines, manufacturing, energy and construction, expanded by 11.3% and the services sector increased by 7.1% as compared to the previous year(1394). It is noteworthy to mention that the growth of the “industry group” is associated with ramped up export of crude oil and natural gas.

Quarterly calculation in the Statistical Centre of Iran is done within 15 main categories including 42 industries; accordingly agriculture group includes sub-categories such as farming, horticulture, livestock farming, forestry and fishing; industry group covers oil and natural mining, mining of other mines, manufacturing, water supply, electricity and natural gas and construction. Services group encompasses wholesale & retail trade; hotels and restaurants, transport and communications, financial intermediation, real estate, public administration, education, health and social work, and other services.
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