Published Date: Monday 29 May 2017

A Report on Producer Price Index for Modern Cattle Farms' Products – winter, 1395 (1390=100)

General Producer Price Index for modern cattle farms’ products reached 244.94 in the winter 1395 which experienced a 2.41 percent increase compared to the previous season and a 2.25 percent growth over the corresponding season of the previous year. The Inflation rate (percent of the change of four seasons ending to the given season or year in comparison with the corresponding period of the previous year) was 0.01%.

In the season under study, the index of all products increased, meanwhile, the index for the products of bull calf under the age of four months, with an 8.14 percent increase compared to the previous season, had the highest increase. Moreover, the index experienced a 16.39 percent growth compared to the corresponding season of the previous year.

In the season under study, price index of most provinces experienced an increase; in the meantime, the price index of the provinces such as East Azarbayejan and Sistan & Baluchestan, with 7.93 and 7.53 percent increase in the general index respectively, had the highest increase among other provinces in contrast to the previous season.

 It should be mentioned that the price index in Ilam province with a 2.17 percent drop had the highest decrease among other provinces compared to the previous season. The price index of this province decreased by 3.16 percent compared to the corresponding season of the previous year.  


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