Published Date: Monday 29 May 2017
Visit of a delegation from Statistics Korea (South Korea) to the Statistical Centre of Iran (22 – 25 May, 2017, Tehran - Iran)

Visit of a delegation from Statistics Korea (South Korea) to the Statistical Centre of Iran (22 – 25 May, 2017, Tehran - Iran)

A delegation from the Statistics Korea (South Korea) paid a visit to the Statistical Centre of Iran during 22– 23 May, 2017. This visit took place on the basis of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the two organizations in May, 2014. During this visit, two sides made presentations on the following statistical areas:

  • Metadata and quality assurance frameworks

  • Information visualization and infographics

  • Economic census 

 Besides, to get familiarity with provincial statistical activities, the Korean delegation paid a two-day visit to the Statistics Office of Plan and Budget Organization of Esfahan Province. It is necessary to mention that Statistical Centre of Iran has tried to develop its relationships with regional and international National Statistical Offices within national laws and regulations in order to share experiences and exchange the latest statistical achievements.

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