Published Date: Sunday 28 May 2017

Highlights of the Household Expenditure and Income Survey Results in Urban and Rural Areas in the Year 1394


The Highlights of the Household Expenditure and Income Survey Results in Urban and Rural Areas in the Year 1394[1]

The total average annual net expenditure spent by an urban household in the year 1394 was 262397 thousand rials, which increased 11.7 percent in comparison to the previous year.  An urban household spent 62431 thousand rials, of the total annual spending with the share of 23.8 percent on food and tobacco, and 199967 thousand rials, with the share of 76.2 percent on non-food. Amongst the food and tobacco expenditures, the highest share with 22.0 percent went to the flour, macaroni, cereals and bread and their products, and the expenditure on housing was the highest expenditure with the share of 44.0 percent among non-food expenditures.

The average annual income reported by an urban household was 278872 thousand rials, which increased 15.6 percent compared to the previous year. Accordingly the average annual income of the urban households in the year 1394 grew 4.0 percent more than the total annual expenditure. The sources of the urban households income depicts that wage/salary earnings were 33.4 percent of incomes, and 16.3 percent of incomes were from agricultural and non-agricultural occupations, and 50.3 percent went to the miscellaneous household incomes.

The total average annual net expenditure spent by a rural household was 146983 thousand rials, which increased 6.1 percent, compared to the previous year. A rural household spent 57778 thousand rials, of the total annual spending with the share of 39.3 percent on food and tobacco, and 89205 thousand rials, with the share of 60.7 percent on non-food expenditure. Amongst the food and tobacco expenditures, the highest share went to the flour, macaroni, cereals and bread and their products with 26.0 percent and the expenditure on housing is the highest expenditure with the share of 30.3 percent among non-food expenditures.

The average annual income reported by a rural household was 161038 thousand rials, which increased 15.8 percent, compared to the previous year. Accordingly the average annual income of the rural households in the year 1394 grew 9.7 percent more than the total annual expenditure. The sources of the rural households income represents that wage/salary earnings accounted for 30.2 percent of incomes, and 30.9 percent of incomes were from agricultural and non-agricultural occupations, and 38.9 percent went to the miscellaneous household incomes.


[1] . It is the Iranian year which begins on March 21st of the Christian year and ends on March 20th of the next year. To convert the Iranian year into Christian year, add 621 to the former.


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