Published Date: Saturday 31 January 2015
A delegation from Statistics Korea visits the Statistical Centre of Iran (SCI)‎

A delegation from Statistics Korea visits the Statistical Centre of Iran (SCI)‎

A delegation from Statistics Korea visits the Statistical Centre of Iran (SCI)

A Korean delegation consisting of 5 persons headed by Kyu Nam Jung, Deputy Commissioner of Statistics Korea, paid an official visit to the SCI from 26 to 28 January 2015. During the 2-day bilateral meetings in the SCI, the topics such as a glance at the  Statistical Centre of Iran,  an introduction to Office of Planning, Performance Monitoring and Secretariat of High Council of Statistics,  Integrated System of Electronic Data Collection (SIJAD) in Iran,  National Network of Statistics(NNS) in Iran, Household Income & Expenditure Survey in Iran, Iran’s Statistical Registers System ( IRANSTARS), e-Diary in Iran, an introduction  to the Office of Population, Labour Force and Census and Plan for Register-based Census in future in Iran, Establishing and Using Register based Statistics System in Korea, Data Collection and Data Processing Using Informatization Devices in Korea and Household Income Expenditure Survey & e-Diary in Korea  were presented. Moreover, there were productive and fruitful talks and discussions in the Statistical Centre of Iran during the meetings. On Tuesday, 27 January, the delegation met with Dr. Adel Azar, Head of Statistical Centre of Iran. The visiting delegation also traveled to Qazvin province and met with the officials of the Statistics, Information and GIS Department in Qazvin’s Governor General Office on 28 January 2015.  During this visit, the Korean delegation also met with the Governor General of Qazvin province. The Korean delegation left Iran for South Korea on 29 January 2015.

It is necessary to mention that the visit was made within the MOU signed between two organizations.


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