Published Date: Monday 06 January 2014

Selected results of the Labour Force Survey, in Autumn 2013

 Unemployment Rate in Autumn 2013: 10.3 Percent.


The results of the Labor Force Survey (LFS) in autumn 2013 were released by the Statistical Centre of Iran (SCI). The review of unemployment rate among population aged 10 and over shows that 10.3% of the economically active population (employed and unemployed) were unemployed. Review of the changes in the indicator shows that the unemployment has decreased by 0.9% and 0.1% compared with the last corresponding season (autumn 2012) and  the previous season ( summer 2013) respectively.

In autumn 2013, 36.7 percent of population aged 10 year and over were economically active; i.e., they lie either in the employed or the unemployed groups. The review of the changes in the economic participation rate indicates that this rate has decreased by 0.8% and 2.4% in contrast to the corresponding season (autumn 2012) in the last year and the previous season (summer 2013), respectively.

Unemployment rate among population aged 15-29 represents that 21.6% of the active population in this age group were unemployed in autumn 2013. Review of the seasonal changes in  unemployment rate of the population aged 15-29  shows that the indicator  has experienced  a 1.4 % decrease  and  a 0.5% increase in comparison  with  the corresponding season in the last year  (autumn 2012) and the  previous season (summer 2013), respectively.

  Examining underemployment share shows that 9.2 % of the employed population have worked less than 44 hours per week due to economic reasons (the off-season, work recession, not finding a job with more working hours etc.). In the meantime, 37.6 % of the employed population aged 15 and over have worked 49 hours and more  in a week.

A study on employment in major economic sectors indicates that the services sector has the biggest share of employment with 48% of the total employment, followed by manufacturing and agriculture sectors with 34.5% and 17.5% respectively.

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