Published Date: Wednesday 18 July 2012
The crucial role of the Statistical Centre of Iran in the planning for the nation's health

The crucial role of the Statistical Centre of Iran in the planning for the nation's health

The crucial role of the Statistical Centre of Iran in the planning for the nation's health was emphasized in the Celebration of   the World Population Day held in the premises of Tehran Medical University on 10th July 2012 in collaboration between the Ministry of the Health and Medical Education (MOHME) of the Islamic Republic of Iran and UNFPA Iran Country Office
On 10th July 2012, the celebration of the World Population Day was held in the premises of Tehran Medical University in collaboration between the MOHME of the Islamic Republic of Iran and UNFPA Iran Country Office. The individuals involved in the country's health field, the representatives and technical staff of the UNFPA in Iran and demographic lecturers participated in this ceremony. The slogan  "Universal Access to Family and Reproductive Health"  was proclaimed  as  the slogan of the  year 2012,  on the occasion of  23rd   anniversary  of the  World Population Day,  by UNFPA in Iran, the Department of Family Planning; Office of Population Health and the Department for Population, Family and School Health affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Medical Education .
In the technical panel, Ms. Ahmadzadeh , the UNFPA Assistant Representative,  while describing  the population and health policy of UNFPA, emphasized the important role of the Statistical Centre of Iran (SCI) as one of the implementing partners of the UNFPA in realizing the health programme of the country.
It should be mentioned that the cooperation between the UNFPA, the SCI, and the MOHME is in line with the UNFPA's 5th Country Programme in Iran and aimed at improving the health in Iran. The outputs of this cooperation are to strengthen the national capacity for compilation, analysis, dissemination, and use of disaggregated population data for decision making and policies formulation based on documents and evidence, planning and monitoring the national achievements on the MDGs indicators; and the Action Plan of ICDP. This important duty has been entrusted to the SCI.
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