Published Date: Saturday 12 January 2013

Industry Survey Results



Summary of results


The results of the survey on Manufacturing Establishments with 10 and More Workers show that a number of 15302 establishments were engaged in industrial activities in the year 1389 which decreased by 5.1% in comparison with the preceding year (1388).  The results also represent that most of the establishments with 10 or more workers were involved in “production of other non-metallic mineral products” and the least establishments were engaged in “production of tobacco products”


The results also present that the value added, production value and value of direct exports of the manufacturing establishments with 10 and more workers experienced 17.9%, 22.4%, and 29% increase in comparison with the previous year and investment value  rose by 13.6%  in comparison with the preceding year.


The work productivity in the manufacturing sector in the year 1389 was 396.9 million rials which increased by 18.1% in comparison with the preceding year.


 The results also indicate that the number of workers in this sector was 1249721 in the year 1389 which decreased by 0.14% in comparison with the previous year (1388). The manufactures of food products and beverages, manufactures of other non-metallic mineral products, and manufactures of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers with 191684, 174436, and 148786  had  the first to third ranking in view of workers respectively.


Description Year
1388 1389 changes
Number of Establishments 16129 15302 -5.1
 Number of workers (thousand) 1251.5 1249.7 -0.14
Value added (billion rials) 420761.8 496071.1 17.9
Production value (billion rials) 1565868.6 1916630.9 22.4
Investment value (billion rials) 71868.9 81662.7 13.6
Value of direct exports (million dollar) 16530 21331 29.0


Moreover, the results show that out of 1249721 workers in the manufacturing establishments with 10 and more workers , the number of unskilled workers, skilled workers, technicians, engineers, and non-productive employed was 387433, 411543, 86555, 74027, and 290162 respectively.

 The results indicate that the value-added of the activity of manufacturing establishments with 10 and more workers was up to 496071 billion rials.  Among different activities,   manufacture of production of the chemicals and chemical products,  manufacture of the production of motor vehicles, trailers and semi- trailer  and manufactures of  production of  basic metals with 99184, 79351 and 74994 bln rials had the highest value-added respectively.

In the year 1389, the amount of investment made in manufacturing establishments with 10 and more workers was 81662 bln rials. Among different activities,    establishments of production of basic metals, manufacture of production of the chemicals and chemical products, and production of other non-metallic mineral products with 27158, 15282, and 12185 bln rials  had  the greatest  share of investments respectively.


The results show that manufacturing establishments with 10 and more workers paid about 143884 billion rials  for the compensation of wage and salary earners. The highest amount belongs to  the manufacture  of  production of textile with 29777 billion rials.

The results also show that three manufacturing activities namely manufacture of  chemicals and chemical products; manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel and manufacture of basic metals  with 10940, 5454, and 1979 million dollar had the highest value of direct export.


Explanatory note:

THE ISIC. rev.3 was  used for compiling and   publishing  of this report.






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